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Inspiring Illumination From Within
Forum Posts
Firefly Energy
Jun 01, 2024
In Weekly Prompts
What does spirituality look and feel like to you? Sit and feel what being connected to source or your higher self looks and feels like to you.
It’s not that it is right or wrong, it is what it uniquely looks and feels like to you.
When we look to others to measure what “spirituality” should look like, you are measuring it by an exterior representation. But it is the soul expression which tells all.
What does feeling safe and secure in your body feel like? Where all your needs are met, where all your worries are sated, and where you seek NOTHING outside of this moment.
Have you ever felt that? Experienced that?
That is what being loved feels like. Not grandios gestures. It is simply feeling so safe and secure that you know that all is well, all is well, all is well.
Be more curious about your own inner growth and not what it looks like on the outside. Your hair could be a rats nest, you could have pimples on your face, holes in your clothing, a scratch on your vehicle, little food in your fridge. None of those are measurements of success, it is how you feel inside and how connected you feel to just simply being present in your body as if nothing else mattered. That is the ultimate desire and goal that humanity should seek, that simple vibration of safety, security, and appropriate bliss.
And so it is. Food for thought.
Firefly Energy
Apr 28, 2024
In Weekly Prompts
Live life to the fullest this week. Pretend that you may have one more week to live. What would you prioritize? And why?
This curiosity matters.
Find your purpose. Fulfill your life’s desires. It’s about meeting your inner self, not saving the world.
This, this should be your bucket list. Find it. Write it. Follow it. Love it.
That’s all, folks.
Firefly Energy
Apr 15, 2024
In Weekly Prompts
This month focused on teaching individuals who they are. The challenges and experiences allowed each person to reassess who they are and why this matters. These challenges were meant to bring individuals clarity on what matters most to them.
This month focused on teaching individuals why they are not. The challenges allowed each person to release false beliefs and processes that they no longer wished to align with. While this is certainly an ongoing process of letting go of what no longer serves you each, this month offered more opportunities than most.
This month was an opportunity to clarify how to be in relationship. These times are primarily designed to teach each of you to learn how to become INTERDEPENDENT. Many of you have truly gone feral and no longer wish to communicate with any humans. This approach is flawed as you are communal beings and learning how to trust and support one another in a collaborative way is key to your survival.
This month may challenge you the most because this month is GO TIME. To figure out how to integrate all that you have learned so far. For those who are in the flow, you will know. You will feel flow.
May is when you will begin to see the true sprouts of what you have planted, nurtured, and watered. Remember, that sometimes your tears are needed to nourish your journey so allow your water works to be turned on. Feeling your EMOTIONS is key during this period, honestly, during this entire year.
What you have set aside will begin to settle more into the recesses of your life. Losing something or someone who was important in your life is never easy. Trust in the process. Let them move on without you. This is what love looks like, allowing everyone to follow their chosen path, with or without you. Remember that you can meet up again at the end of your respective journeys and compare notes. Nothing is lost. EVER!
Firefly Energy
Apr 11, 2024
In Weekly Prompts
As you can obviously observe, there is much misinformation in the world these days. It is difficult to determine who you can trust, so it may be best to trust no one at the end of the day, but yourselves.
When you look all around you and you see some of the varying belief systems, it should give you an idea of how you all are quite different. Each person is called towards the messages that vibrate at their level. If your filter is clogged with conspiracy-like vibrations, then you will feel at home with conspiracy-like groups and narratives.
If you have a particular purity filter, you will observe and call for experiences that validate your purity vibration, and you will also have conflict with that which does not align. Is that good? Or is that bad?
If everything is here to teach you, then maybe sit back and express gratitude. Express appreciation. And may ask us to help to explain the way of it all.
You all are moving towards your end destination, and none of you have chosen the exact same one, so don’t expect your paths nor your belief systems nor your mannerisms nor your objectives nor your pressure points nor your relief valves to look the same.
Remember that curiosity almost killed the cat but not quite, and you all are near the end of your eighth experience, so maybe slow down and appreciate what your last and final exit may look like. Maybe shoot for a big bang rather than a simple goodbye while sleeping during the night. It is your last hurrah…
Firefly Energy
Apr 01, 2024
In Weekly Prompts
Today is April Fools’ Day , which is in the second quarter of twenty twenty four. We matter. You matter.
What does all of this numerology or astrology have to do with your life? Just because you cannot see the energetic imprint of a number or an energetic path does not mean that it does not exist.
As you all move into this new journey of building your individual and collective future, you will find that certain dates align with growth or stagnancy.
The month of four is a stable number, and the number eight is the infinity symbol. So this month offers a stable platform for you to experience, explore, and express your truest, energetic imprint.
So our question for you today is if we were to cover all of your living expenses going forward, how would you choose to fill your day? What would inspire you to get up every day. A hint: it should be something of service to humanity, not just for self.
Firefly Energy
Mar 26, 2024
In Weekly Prompts
When you hear those words, what does it bring to mind? Does it mean that you must join another organization or group? Or alternatively, does it reflect back to what your inner peace looks like?
We are each asked to rise to the challenge, and for each of us, it would look vastly different.
Imagine yourself laying on your death bed where you are reflecting back on the life which you have lived. Based on your values, your dreams, and your hopes, what would you most desire to reflect back on to measure your life successful? Remember, that you cannot take anything with you, so your soul legacy will be what you leave behind.
Based on who you are today, what is the legacy that you most wish to offer others so that your seed of compassion and love continues after you cease to exist in physical form?
Firefly Energy
Mar 20, 2024
In Weekly Prompts
When you begin in a skinsuit at birth, you recognize that you are here for the long-haul, and you also know nothing other than what you know in that moment. Some of you were born with more knowing than others, but as a whole, your memory is wiped clean. The purpose and objective of this life’s incarnation is to teach you how to become the most flavorful and sassy and playful and curious and content and frustrated and expansive and restrictive person. There is no singular purpose. You are meant to ebb and flow within your life‘s objective. Recognizing that you are meant to be a flawed human being, and to embrace that fully while trying to be the kindest version of yourself can be challenging and in conflict with itself. And you can feel the conflict when you are pulled into different directions. Just honor that and allow that to be. It is called diunital, which is where two things can be true and also be mutually exclusive. Allowing the universe to teach you that the shadow is as good as the light, it’s a gift.
So simply embrace what feels like chaos on some days, and the pleasurable peace that you experience on other days, trusting that they both are the best possible experiences that you can produce, as you write, direct, and act in this movie called Your Life. It all has significance, has purpose, as anyone who has been involved in a movie production will tell you. Everything is incorporated with great intentionality and purpose. Trust that your spirit team is just as creative and purposeful as it creates this experience that you are currently working your way through.
And so it is. Mama stay!
Firefly Energy
Mar 06, 2024
In Weekly Prompts
When your life becomes a reflection of who you are, what do you do? Can you see how each choice, including every micro choice, brought you to exactly where you are today? The choices that you didn’t make closed doors. The choices that you allowed others to make created a path. The choices that you blindly made still had an impact.
Every morsel of food that you put in your body has an impact. Are you mindful about what you put into your body? Do you have joy and excitement when you eat or do you do it on the run? It is not only what the food is, but your attachment to it.
When you get up in the morning, what is your first thought? Oh God, here we go again? Or, this is so exciting.
When you go on vacation or do something special for yourself, do you start the day the same way or do you have a different response? If you have a different response, then you know that you can experience life differently.
So this week, just notice your level of enjoyment or lack thereof when doing what you do during the day. And then see what your options are. Do you feel like you should change aspects of your life? Or do you think you just need to approach aspects of your life with a different attitude? You can either change the actual aspects of your life or how you choose to engage with them.
Constantly changing your environment while seeking joy may not be the best approach, because if you cannot find contentment within your current life, then seeking it outside of yourself may not be the solution. Maybe go within and find appreciation for the little things so that you can begin to vibrate into a different place without having to actually make any outward changes this week.
Firefly Energy
Feb 29, 2024
In Weekly Prompts
You are stuck in a rut… which rut is it? How do you figure it out?
Begin each day as if everything was new. When you wake up, look around you and pretend that all of this is new to you. What do you notice and why?
Be mindful as you get out of bed. Be mindful as you walk down to the kitchen. Be mindful as you prepare your drink and your breakfast.
Notice how the floor feels under your feet. Notice how it feels to use your hands when grabbing something. Really notice the intricacies of how well honed your human body is for your day today.
And then, notice how you normally live in auto pilo. You normally do not notice your walking, your grabbing, your visual observations, your appreciation for being alive. But today, you will be mindful, in all that you do from the beginning to the end, as much as possible.
When you live as though it is your first day or your last day here on earth, you have a visceral reaction to everything around you because the sense of appreciation and gratitude is almost overwhelming. Much like when you are on vacation or holiday. But when you are in the middle somewhere, the details get lost, and you forget what a gift it is to be alive, and you simply live on auto pilot to complete as much as you can that day with as little Interference or introspection as possible.
But the question that we have for you: is this really being alive when most of what you do is being done on auto pilot? And what are your options to bring yourself back into awareness and everything that you do, and every moment of life.
These are the queries that we wish to bring to mind today for you to consider what this means to you.
Firefly Energy
Feb 06, 2024
In Weekly Prompts
This week, we shall discuss where your points of inspiration come from.
When you feel a pull to follow an idea, where do you feel it? How does it feel? How does it make you want to react?
Do you want to do research? Do you just want to start without any research? Do you want to do it for you? For others? For humanity?
When you connect to this inner part within you, and we mean really connect, this, THIS is where your SOUL can be found. This IS the voice of your soul.
So the next time that you feel that ZING deep within you, rather than just blindly following it OR ignoring it, why not sit with it. Have a conversation with it. Get to know it.
That, our beloveds, is your soul. And how it talks or communicates with you. THAT is its love language.
You are loved. You are always seen. And now you know who your greatest champion is.
This IS who you were before you were forced to to split from yourself in your youth.
Welcome her/him/they home as they long to become one with you again.
And so it is. Na ma ste. 🙏
Firefly Energy
Jan 30, 2024
In Weekly Prompts
The question we have for humanity is when is enough enough? Gluttony is not only related to food but your desire to feed and meet your insatiable needs for perfection, comfort for absolute certainty, and experiential bliss…
When is enough enough? When will you have reached the top of the mountain to realize that it was for not? When will you realize that all of the sacrifices that you have made to never be uncomfortable, to be wealthy, to be rich, to be beautiful, to be famous, when will you realize that that will never bring you peace, joy, or happiness?
When you look at the simplest people in life, you will notice a contentment, a true contentment with little because it is not the material items which foster happiness, but actual contentment with what you have.
So begin looking at all of the things around you that you had to purchase to bring you joy and we ask you, when was the last time you even thought about that item that you HAD to have because it was THE THING?
The car? The house? The mate???
You put so much treasure in love and yes, when you get that great love that you’ve always wanted, when do you begin to take him, her, or they for granted? When does the novelty wear off? Why is it that the pursuit of wanting sometimes is more exciting than getting if?
Because you have been sold a bag of lies, by the commercialization of the sales of material goods. It was never about the material goods, it is about the appreciation of what you have that matters. And in your pursuit of gluttony, you completely forgot to enjoy what you have because you’re always in pursuit of what you don’t have and what you still desire. This is where humanity is right now. And the lessons that befalls man now because time is up.
It is a GIFT to remember what matters. Family. Friends. Community. Safety. Security. It's not in the cocoon of material things. They are simply there to teach you that there is a thing as too much of a good thing. Of anything.
Humanity is out of balance and as always, there will be a reset. This message is not to bring fear but en-lighten-meant. Lighten your backpack and find the freedom of free travel of expression once again. Find love in living and not in the pursuit of happiness through material objects.
Find it. And it will find you.
And so it is. Namaste.
Firefly Energy
Jan 23, 2024
In Weekly Prompts
Today we wish to talk about your attachment to material items.
When you receive new beautiful items, what do you do with them in the short term and in the long term? Do you use them to maximize your enjoyment? Or do you put them away, to be used only on special occasions?
What if we were to tell you that a horrendous event would occur at the end of the week or at the end of the month and that all of your belongings would perish? How does such a revelation or prophecy land within your soul? Would you realize that none of your memories are really attached to those items themselves, only the energetic imprint of those moments? Would you be happy to be rid of all of the belongings that tie you down to a lifestyle that doesn't really value? Would you mourn their loss?
We would invite you in to look at how others respond or react, short term and long term, to when their lives change dramatically, where they lose everything that they once had. Some never do recover, and some really prosper. What is the difference in the reactions?
Some recognize that they were simply belongings and that they can still connect to the energetically imprint of their past and others truly struggle with the loss and the devastation of how that loss feels within their lives.
There is no right or wrong response to such an event but we do invite you in to give thought to whether your belongings add value to your lives or whether they distract you and overwhelm you? And what if you had to choose your 100 most favorite items, what would those be? And why?
Within the query is all that you need to know on how to successfully get through this next year. It is a different form of attachment theory than what our another has been studying which is based on your relationship with others and how you respond and react to stressors as well as deep connection.
Best answer wins!
Firefly Energy
Jan 15, 2024
In Weekly Prompts
Life is what we make out of it. You can have 100 people experience the exact same event, and each will experience it differently and recall it differently. The event is simply an event.
How can you choose to reframe how you create or co-create your future? Where do you allow spirit to design your lived experience and where do you require that your ego be in control? If you were told that one of your life's purposes was to experience homelessness, would your surrender to this process or would you do everything in your control to seek to avoid it? What if on the other side of homelessness was the richness and abundance that you so desperately seek but you will not experience it until you have made peace with the journey of being without a home, a house, a safety net? What makes no sense to you may make perfect sence from the spirit world as well as energetically for your growth and maturity.
This does NOT mean to wallow in hopelessness and accept homesless for the entirety of your future, only to surrender to the flow of life, trusting that all is well, all is well, all is well, while you continue to hope for a blessed future where all that you desire awaits you on the other side of a stop sign. Stop. Look into all of the directions and proceed with caution as you choose to go left, right, or straight ahead. It is the stop sign that is oftentimes required to reset your experience so that you can observe where you currently find yourself and where you actually wish to go. It is easier to change direction when you are stopped rather than when your momentum is propelling your forward. Maybe, in this example, being homeless is the stop sign that is needed in order to reasses what your true goals and aspirations are.
Simply food for thought. You need not agree, simply to consider alternate ways of perceiving reality. YOUR perception of reality colors all that you say, do, and believe. Maybe consider an alternate way of perceiving life and therein, you are able to avoid those more difficult moments, such as homelessness, because you are able to shift into a new way of thinking without the required hard stop that a stop sign demands.
So many possibilities...
Firefly Energy
Jan 09, 2024
In Weekly Prompts
Firefly Energy
Dec 30, 2023
In Weekly Prompts
You are learning what it is to be a soul/spirit being, living in an emotional body. Spirit is love.
So, your soul does NOT know how to feel sad. Only to observe, if that makes sense. Your soul observes your sadness.
When you are in the feels, whatever it is, it is your energy body, not spirit.
Your energy body is only a vibration. You are only vibration. That is it.
See your own energy body. It is full. Moving. Changing. Overflowing. Trust that.
Allow yourself to FEEL! It matters.
If you’re a full energy body, with NO holes, then you’re finally WHOLE. Though not HEALED!
Healed is not a state of being. It is death. Once you are healed, your journey is OVER. Appreciate your learning.
Life is meant to ebb & flow. You’re finally ebbing and flowing. You had set up a damn dam before, whereby you suppressed your emotions. Held them back. And then your damn dam broke. And you have washed away your debris.
You’re now allowing your emotions to ebb and flow. It’s human.
Drought. Flooding. And in between.
It each has its purpose.
Drought kills the weak parts of you. Flood actually cleans off debris AND waters your roots. It’s more nourishing than you realize.
It prepares you for the next drought. Deep deep roots. And abundance.
Emotions are your abundance. Embrace them. Feel them. Experience them. But don’t get stuck in them. Allow the waters to dictate your path.
Drought, conserve. Flooding, rejoice. That’s it. The richness of feeling.
Be well. That’s it. Over and out!
Firefly Energy
Dec 20, 2023
Firefly Energy
Dec 15, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
This Forum is designed to guide curious seekers to go within and heal parts of themselves. The weekly prompts will be posted in a different section.
Firefly Energy
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